"Skal Vi Bade"
Comedy collective
Interviewing celebrities, comedic sketches and other creative ideas

Click the logo above to see the YouTube channel
"The Stranded Cowboy"
Trans-media Story
"Through confrontation and rejection, a beached uni student must reconcile his aspirations with
his actions in order to complete his final project and take the next step."

This is my bachelor project made in my final year at Bournemouth University

Website is not available any more :(
"Kasper" (YouTube Channel)
Personal YouTube channel

On here I make videos about pop-culture, music, writing and comedy

Click the logo above to get linked to the channel
"Meaningless Writing"
a YouTube show about writing funny scripts and sketches

In the midst of lockdown Sam Pugh and myself decided
we wanted to write more scripts as we had collaborated on a bunch of comedic sketches.
This turned into a show called "Meaningless Writing" where we take a TV show,
concept or idea and turn it into a short story/script in a short amount of time.

Above you can find the newest episode
(all over episodes can be found on the Kasper YouTube Channel)
"Jim and Kasp Show"
A Comedy Podcast
A comedy show where we talk about whatever comes to our mind.
This isn't always intelligent or funny, but we try our best.

Above you can find the latest episode on Spotify
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